
Murphy’s Grove: Creamery

Guernsey Cow

Something's comin', something good

Tom grew up on a small dairy farm in Wisconsin. Never in his mind did he think that dairy could be a part of his future. However, we have a love of cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and of course butter! We knew that a family milk cow was inevitable, so we got Gertie in 2022.

Everything on the farm has a purpose and pays its own way so we started to sell some raw milk on the farm. The demand outpaced our expectations and we started to realize that dairy could be more than just a little fun money.

Starting in 2024, we are expanding our dairy dream and opening an inspected dairy processing facility which will allow us to offer a wide variety of healthy (and some not so healthy) dairy products.

Stay tuned for more updates and for more detailed information, check out our Project Pivot page.