
Welcome to Phase 1: Planning & Funding

Update: We have completed most of the tasks in Phase 1!

There are two main parts of Phase 1 and we are well on our way to accomplishing the minimum steps to move to the next phase. In this phase we need to accomplish

  • Milking Parlor Renovation approval by MDA

  • Creamery layout approval by MDA

  • Submit plumbing plans to the state and schedule plumbing contractor

  • Plan our initial product line & marketing channels

  • Apply for grant funding

  • Apply for loans & private investors

  • Crowdfund for local support


  • We have been awarded a Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Grant for 2024

  • Initial approval of the creamery layout by the MDA

  • Initial product line determined: Cream-line Milk, Yogurt, Frozen Yogurt, Kefir, Lassi, & Gelato

  • Financing secured through Entrepreneur Fund

  • Plumbing contract signed