Welcome to Phase 1: Planning & Funding
Update: We have completed most of the tasks in Phase 1!
There are two main parts of Phase 1 and we are well on our way to accomplishing the minimum steps to move to the next phase. In this phase we need to accomplish
Milking Parlor Renovation approval by MDA
Creamery layout approval by MDA
Submit plumbing plans to the state and schedule plumbing contractor
Plan our initial product line & marketing channels
Apply for grant funding
Apply for loans & private investors
Crowdfund for local support
We have been awarded a Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Grant for 2024
Initial approval of the creamery layout by the MDA
Initial product line determined: Cream-line Milk, Yogurt, Frozen Yogurt, Kefir, Lassi, & Gelato
Financing secured through Entrepreneur Fund
Plumbing contract signed